Root Causes of Construction Company Failures

Running a successful construction business can be challenging. The high number of industry risks often causes companies to fail.

Multiple issues cause most construction company failures. Understanding the most common issues helps you avoid them.

Pay attention to these five root causes of construction company failures to increase your odds of success.

Insufficient Capital

Running a construction company requires a significant amount of capital. Tools, heavy equipment, vehicles, and other fixed assets require substantial amounts of capital.

Insufficient capital poses a substantial risk for a construction company. For instance, overleveraging, tying up funds in ongoing projects, and overinvesting in underutilized fixed assets may cause the company to access reserve capital. If the company leadership depletes the reserve capital, the business will be unable to manage unexpected events or get through lean times.

Improper Cash Flow

The amount of cash coming into and going out of the construction company must be effectively managed. This includes efficiently managing project budgets, billing for projects, and collecting invoices.

Responsibly managing cash flow allows the company to pay its expenses and debts, reinvest in the business, and maintain emergency reserves. Having more money going out than coming in can result in company failure.

Inadequate Workforce

A construction company is as good as its workers. This includes everyone from the executive leadership team down.

Having the right workers in place means they are engaged and productive. These workers perform efficiently, finishing the work both on time and within budget.

Offering competitive income and benefits, providing on-the-job training, and promoting from within create a culture that attracts and retains quality workers. Failure to fulfill these needs encourages workers to find employment elsewhere. The lack of a qualified workforce leads to company failure.

Subpar Project Performance

The projects a construction company takes on must be profitable. Determining which projects are the right fit for the business is important.

For instance, completing due diligence when estimating and job costing helps the company take on profitable work. Also, planning the work to complete the project on time and within budget increase the likelihood of making money. Additionally, having the right leadership, workers, and equipment help a project be profitable.

Failure to effectively manage projects may result in thin margins or substantial losses. Repetitive losses can result in the company’s failure.

Rapid Business Growth

A construction company’s expansion requires the proper knowledge, resources, and workforce. This growth may include taking on additional or larger projects, entering new geographic areas, or constructing new types of buildings.

Making incremental changes tends to be the most effective for company expansion. Conversely, a lack of research and planning can result in complications and company failure.

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How to Perform Well in Various Job Interview Formats

How to Perform Well in Various Job Interview Formats

Job interviews can be stressful. Your performance impacts whether you advance in the hiring process.

Preparing for a job interview increases your odds of success. Practicing your answers helps you feel confident while delivering the information the interviewer is looking for.

Understanding the job interview format is essential. Practicing answers to questions in the same format the interviewer will use increases your comfort level.

Drawing on this experience helps you perform well during your interview. This increases the likelihood of advancing in the hiring process.

Implement these tips to perform well in different job interview formats.

Behavioral Interview

A behavioral interview includes questions about how you handled a workplace situation. Your answers indicate how you might handle similar situations in the future. These responses also demonstrate how you handle pressure at work and the value you can add to the company.

Tips to prepare for a behavioral interview:

  • Study the job description.
  • List the top skills and qualifications.
  • Outline an example that shows your ability in each area.
  • Use the STAR method to describe the situation, task, action, and result for each story.
  • Practice your answers out loud.
  • Keep your responses under 2 minutes.

Case Interview

The questions for a case interview provide insight into the clients and projects the company handles. Your answers show your problem-solving skills, analytical ability, and strategic and logical thinking. Your responses also help assess your common sense, creativity, and comfort with ambiguity.

Tips to prepare for a case interview:

  • Take notes throughout the case exercise
  • Understand the issue and question
  • Uncover the underlying assumptions
  • Ask questions
  • Summarize the issues and findings
  • Share the framework for your hypothesis
  • Provide your recommendations
  • Highlight the next steps and anticipated results and impacts
  • Show clear thinking, practical judgment, and professionalism
  • Convey your logic and thought process

Group Interview

A group interview shows your leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. It also demonstrates how you perform under pressure.

Tips to prepare for a group interview:

  • Interact with the other candidates to build rapport before the interview
  • Project confidence and a positive attitude
  • Maintain open body language
  • Actively listen to everyone
  • Provide clear, concise answers
  • Promote collaboration when possible

Dinner Interview

A dinner interview assesses your communication and social skills, manners, and demeanor. This is especially important for a client- or customer-facing position.

Tips to prepare for a dinner interview:

  • Research the company’s values, current events, recent accomplishments, and targeted employee ethics.
  • Use your research to determine how you can contribute to the company’s success.
  • Clarify how your knowledge, skills, experience, and accomplishments make you the best-qualified candidate for the role.
  • Show that you are a team player.
  • Order food that is moderately priced, easy to eat with utensils, will not get caught in your teeth and does not cause bad breath.
  • Let the interviewer lead the conversation.

Want Additional Interview Preparation?

Trade Management can help you prepare for a job interview with an employer. Register with us today.