Staying Safe in the Summer Heat:  Essential Tips for Construction Businesses and Their Workers 

worker with heat safety signage

As temperatures continue to rise globally, the construction industry faces increasing challenges related to heat stress and worker safety. A recent study from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco highlights the negative effect extreme heat can have on the U.S. economy. Their study projects that decreased productivity in the construction industry would negatively impact the whole economy by slowing capital accumulation. This is in addition to the lost labor productivity within the construction sector itself, which relies heavily on outdoor labor. This study underscores the critical need for effective heat hazard management to ensure the safety and productivity of skilled tradespeople and to minimize the downstream economic consequences. 

High temperatures are not just uncomfortable; they are dangerous. Prolonged exposure to extreme summer temperatures can lead to heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke, which can be fatal. Construction workers, who often engage in strenuous physical activity under the sun, are especially vulnerable. 

The study predicts a significant increase in the number of days per year that will exceed safe thresholds for heavy work. This escalation is projected to rise from 22 days in 2020 to roughly 80 within the next 74 years. This will have profound implications for worker health and productivity, emphasizing the urgency of addressing heat hazards. 

To mitigate these risks, construction firms need to implement comprehensive heat safety protocols. This includes not only reactive measures but also proactive planning and continuous education. 

 Effective Strategies for Managing Heat Hazards 

Schedule Adjustments: 

  • Early Starts and Late Finishes: Adjust work hours to cooler parts of the day, typically early mornings and late afternoons. This approach helps avoid the most intense heat of midday. 
  • Flexible Work Schedules: Allow workers to take more frequent breaks during peak heat periods and extend project deadlines to accommodate these adjustments. 

Hydration and Nutrition: 

  • Hydration Stations: Ensure there are plenty of water stations on site. Workers should drink water every 15-20 minutes, even if they are not thirsty. 
  • Optimized Diet: Encourage a diet rich in fruits and vegetables that can help maintain hydration levels. Avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks that can contribute to dehydration. 

Protective Gear: 

  • Lightweight, Breathable Clothing: Equip workers with clothing made from breathable fabrics that wick away sweat. Light colors are preferable as they reflect sunlight. 
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Use wide-brimmed hats, if possible, UV-blocking sunglasses, and sunscreen with a high SPF rating to protect against direct sunlight. 

Worksite Modifications: 

  • Shade Structures: Install temporary shelters or canopies to provide shaded rest areas. 
  • Cooling Stations: Set up areas with fans or misting devices to help lower body temperature during breaks. 

Training and Education: 

  • Heat Illness Prevention Training: Conduct regular training sessions to educate workers about the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke and the importance of early intervention. Include materials that cover prevention measures such as frequent hydration – including drinking before becoming thirsty – and sun protection. 
  • Virtual reality (VR) training programs can educate workers on heat safety protocols and emergency response procedures in an immersive, engaging manner, increasing retention and understanding of crucial information. 
  • Buddy System: Implement a buddy system where workers monitor each other for signs of heat stress. 

Health Monitoring: 

  • Regular Health Checks: Encourage workers to undergo regular health screenings to identify any conditions that might increase their risk of heat-related illnesses. 
  • On-Site Medical Support: Have medical personnel or first aid responders on site, especially during extreme heat conditions, to provide immediate assistance if needed. 

 The Role of Technology in Heat Safety 

Advancements in technology can play a crucial role in enhancing heat safety. Wearable devices that monitor vital signs such as heart rate, body temperature, and hydration levels can provide real-time data to alert workers and supervisors of potential heat stress. Mobile apps that offer heat index forecasts and personalized hydration reminders can also be valuable tools for maintaining safety on site. 

Environmental sensors can be strategically placed around construction sites to continuously measure temperature, humidity, and heat index levels. These sensors can send alerts when conditions become hazardous, enabling proactive measures to be taken before workers are affected. 

Smart clothing embedded with cooling technologies or moisture-wicking fabrics can help manage body temperature and reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses. Furthermore, exoskeletons and other assistive devices can lessen physical strain on workers, reducing the overall impact of heat on their bodies. 

Data analytics platforms can aggregate and analyze the information collected from various technological devices, offering insights into patterns and trends. This can help in predicting high-risk periods and optimizing work schedules to avoid the hottest parts of the day. 

Remote monitoring and management systems allow supervisors to oversee multiple sites simultaneously, ensuring that safety protocols are being followed and that workers are taking necessary breaks and staying hydrated. 

Adaptation and Long-Term Planning 

While immediate measures are essential, long-term strategies are equally important. The study suggests that relocating some production to cooler regions and investing in climate-resilient infrastructure could mitigate the impact of extreme heat. Additionally, exploring new construction methods and materials that are less susceptible to heat-related productivity losses can offer sustainable solutions. 

The Future Is Now: Heat Hazard Management Strategies 

The increasing threat of extreme heat requires construction firms to prioritize the safety and well-being of their workers. By implementing comprehensive heat hazard management strategies, companies can protect their employees, maintain productivity, and contribute to the overall resilience of the industry. As temperatures continue to rise, proactive and adaptive measures will be necessary to safeguard both the health of construction workers and the economic stability of the sector. Together, we can build a safer, more resilient construction industry.  

Does your worksite need more skilled labor? We can help bring skilled tradespeople on board for you. Learn more here. 

Skilled Trade Professionals Have the Skills for Volunteering 

Skilled trade professionals have a unique set of skills that can be incredibly valuable when it comes to volunteering in their communities. April is National Volunteer Month, which provides the opportunity to explore the multitude of ways tradespeople can offer a helping hand. By volunteering their time and expertise, these professionals can make a tangible impact in their communities. 

Building and Renovation Projects 

Whether they are electricians, plumbers, carpenters, or HVAC technicians, these individuals possess the technical knowledge and expertise required for building and renovation projects. Many organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, rely on tradespeople to help build homes for those in need.  

Projects can range from building a new home for a family in need to renovating a community center or other small building. Advanced skills are required to install plumbing or electrical systems, so their expertise is critical for project completion. 

Not only do these projects help improve the physical infrastructure of a community, but they also provide valuable hands-on experience for the trade professionals themselves, sometimes beyond what they might do at work. They can hone their skills, learn new techniques, and collaborate with other volunteers to achieve a common goal. This type of experience can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling for these individuals, as they see the results of their hard work and dedication come to fruition. 

Disaster Relief Efforts 

In times of natural disasters or emergencies, trade professionals are often called upon to help with recovery efforts. Whether it is repairing damaged homes, restoring power and water services, or providing emergency repairs to essential infrastructure, these individuals play a crucial role in helping communities rebuild and recover. Their technical skills are indispensable in these situations, as they have the knowledge needed to assess damage, develop repair plans, and execute repairs. 

By volunteering their time and skills for disaster relief efforts, skilled trade professionals provide much-needed support and assistance to communities in crisis, helping them get back on their feet and rebuild stronger than before. This type of volunteer work not only benefits those in need but also allows these individuals to use their skills for an important and meaningful cause. 

Providing Services Pro Bono 

Providing services pro bono can be a choice of one individual and does not necessarily include a group or organized effort.  

Skilled tradespeople can give back by offering their services at no charge to individuals or organizations in need. For example, a plumber may be able to repair a leaky faucet for a low-income family, or an electrician could help a nonprofit organization upgrade their wiring system at no cost. These gestures of kindness can make a dramatic difference for those who may not be able to afford these services otherwise. 

By using their skills in new and meaningful ways, they can gain a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that may not always come from their day-to-day work. Volunteering can also provide opportunities for these individuals to develop new skills, expand their networks, and build lasting relationships with others in their communities. 

Mentoring and Training Programs 

Skilled trade professionals can also mentor aspiring tradespeople. Mentoring programs can take many forms, from formal apprenticeships to informal one-on-one mentoring relationships.  

Mentoring provides a valuable opportunity for experienced professionals to pass down their knowledge and skills to those who are just starting in the field. Through one-on-one guidance and support, mentors can help mentees navigate the challenges and obstacles they may encounter in their career paths. This can be especially helpful for individuals who are new to the industry and may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their chosen trade. 

In addition to mentoring, training programs also play a crucial role in developing aspiring tradespeople’s skills. The hands-on experience and practical training help individuals build confidence in their abilities. Individuals who volunteer to participate in these programs can serve as instructors, sharing their know-how with students who are eager to learn and improve. 

By giving back through mentoring and training programs, skilled trade professionals not only support the next generation of workers but also contribute to the overall growth and success of their communities. These programs help bridge the gap between the experienced and newcomers to the industry, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration that is essential for building strong, vibrant communities. Through their dedication and commitment to mentoring and training, skilled trade professionals can make a lasting impact on the future of their industry.  

Volunteering Benefits Both Parties 

The realm of skilled trades offers an abundance of volunteering opportunities. Whether it’s lending a hand in constructing homes, offering invaluable expertise through pro bono services, or guiding the next generation of tradespeople, the impact reverberates far beyond the workshop or construction site. In offering their time, skills, and mentorship, tradespeople not only build structures but also build lasting connections with their communities.  

Collaborate with Trade Management to bring skilled tradespeople on board for your work project. Get more information now

Tradeswomen Trailblazers – How Far They Have Come 

women in construction

In recent decades, a notable shift has occurred in the traditionally male-dominated arena of trades, with a gradual but significant increase in the participation of women. This trend is a testament to the evolving landscape of attitudes, legislation, and educational opportunities surrounding gender equality and workforce diversity.  

According to data from the Women’s Institute of Policy Research, the number of women in trades surged from 240,930 to 353,954 between 2017 and 2022, marking a remarkable 47% increase. However, despite this progress, women still represent a mere 4.3% of the total positions of workers who use tools, underscoring the persisting gender gap in this sector. Moreover, while the construction workforce overall is estimated to include around 9% to 10% women, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is important to acknowledge that this percentage varies significantly across specific occupations, roles, and geographical regions within the construction industry.  

For Women’s History Month, let’s delve deeper into the journey of women in trades exploring the challenges they have overcome and the strides they continue to make. 

Throughout both World War I and World War II, women were essential contributors to the war effort by taking on traditionally male roles to cover for the men fighting on the front lines. 

These pivotal moments in history marked a significant departure from societal norms, as women took on essential roles such as electrical work, welding, engine repair, and other trade-related tasks that were previously deemed not suitable for women. Their contributions not only helped sustain crucial industries during times of conflict but also paved the way for societal shifts in attitudes toward women in the trades. 

Fast forward to today, and women can enter the trades by choice, empowered by the progress made by their predecessors. But breaking into what remains a male-dominated field has not been without its challenges. 

After World War II, and after women had proven they were up to the job, women still faced gender bias, discrimination, and barriers to entry in trade jobs. Legal and social obstacles, including discriminatory practices, limited women’s opportunities in skilled trades. Laws and policies often excluded women from formal training programs and apprenticeships, and unions traditionally prohibited women from membership. 

Despite possessing the talent and ambition to excel in these trade skills, women were routinely denied equal access to employment opportunities solely based on their gender. It was not until the 1960s that the Equal Employment Opportunity Law made it illegal to prohibit access to jobs based on gender. 

In recent decades, there has been a growing presence of women in skilled trades. Efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity have led to more women pursuing careers in fields such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, and welding.  

It is not uncommon today for small businesses like plumbing companies, electrical services, and HVAC install and repair businesses to be owned and run by women. An increasing number of women are donning hard hats and following in their father’s footsteps onto the construction site.  

In fact, the construction industry has witnessed the remarkable achievements of numerous women who have not only excelled but have also become influential leaders in their respective fields.  

One such example is Patricia Galloway, the first female president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), whose pioneering work in civil engineering has earned her international acclaim. Similarly, Linda Alvarado, CEO of Alvarado Construction, has made history as one of the few Latina women to own a major construction company in the United States, overseeing multi-million-dollar projects such as sports stadiums and convention centers.  

In addition to individual contributions, the presence of women in construction brings unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table, enriching teams and contributing to innovation and problem-solving. By fostering an environment of mutual respect and collaboration, construction companies and organizations can harness the full potential of their workforce and drive positive outcomes for projects and communities alike. 

Successful women in construction have been catalysts for positive change, advocating for greater inclusivity and equity within the industry. Through mentorship programs, networking initiatives, and community outreach efforts, they actively work to create pathways for other women to enter and excel in construction careers. Their dedication to fostering supportive and inclusive work environments has helped break down barriers and challenge outdated perceptions.  

We asked one of our own recruiters about her experience working in the skilled trades sector. Daysha Juergens shared her insights on what it was like to establish her career in recruiting in a male-dominated arena. 

What challenges did you have to overcome, if any, that arose from being a woman in this field? The biggest challenge I have faced being a woman in this field was obtaining the knowledge of this industry needed to recruit. Initially, I started off at a trade school as a career specialist helping the students land jobs when they graduated. I took the time to visit the classrooms and observe/ask questions. Being able to see the students perform their trades really helped me have knowledge to build upon. I took every opportunity to learn more by visiting trade employers who hired our students and asking questions. As a recruiter in construction, I learned the most by speaking with the candidates. The more you interview a certain trade the better you get at asking the right questions to place them correctly.  

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment would be completing a graduate degree as a first-generation college student. 

How have you seen the industry change over time in regard to women working in the business? While I worked for the trade school, we kept seeing rising amounts of women signing up to learn a trade. I’m seeing more marketing toward high school students going into the trades versus taking the traditional college route, which is exciting.  

Work with Trade Management to hire experienced tradespeople when you need them. Learn more today. 

How Data Will Be Important to the Future of Construction



Because construction projects often require fast decision-making, access to real-time data and insight is important. It is especially beneficial for construction companies to know whether a project is on schedule and making money.

Having effective data strategies for the construction industry provides better visibility and control over the projects. This type of transparency increases project efficiency and productivity. It also results in fewer delays and change orders and less rework.

Discover how the use of data may impact the future of the construction industry.

Improved Decision-Making

Using data helps the completion of construction projects align with the project’s goals and objectives. It also helps the team plan for their needs and next steps. This increases the likelihood of the project being completed on time and within budget.

Construction companies must consider how they collect important data and how complete the data is. They also should include whether they make effective decisions based on the data and whether the data is timely and accurate. The companies can use this information to determine whether their data strategy is adequate or needs to be updated.

Continuous Data Collection

Data capture should be automatically accomplished while working on construction projects. The technology must communicate the data to the team in real-time to improve operations.

Providing access to data is especially critical for offsite production. This is because up to half of the work is finished in the factory.

For instance, teams with access to real-time factory and job site data can help maintain the manufacturing schedule. Also, having stakeholders work from a single, accurate source of data promotes engagement throughout the lifecycle of the project.

As a result, teams who are starting a new project can look at previous, similar projects to determine what worked and what could have been improved. This promotes continuous improvement throughout the organization.

For instance, the teams can more accurately estimate the timing and cost of a project to place more reasonable bids. They also can uncover patterns in issues and proactively find ways to resolve or avoid them.

Ongoing Improvement

Using data to establish processes lets a construction company continuously elevate its performance. For instance, teams with access to current inventory during prefabrication can determine which materials to order and how to schedule production according to the job site needs. This lets the stakeholders know the schedule for manufacturing and delivery.

Real-time access to project schedules, submittal approvals, and delivery lead times provides control over deliveries to the job site. As a result, the teams can more effectively manage the submittal approval process and subcontractor deliverables to adhere to the project schedule.

The increasing use of data results in lower labor costs, reduced waste, and better-optimized workflows. As a result, companies improve their operations, profits, and reputation.

Need Help Adding to Your Team?

Trade Management has the skilled trade professionals needed to complete your construction projects. Get in touch with us today.

3 Ways to Gain Repeat Contract Customers

Retaining your contract customers is easier and less expensive than finding new ones. This is especially true in the competitive construction industry.

Your company needs to stand out among all the rest in order to secure repeat customers. This helps you retain business better than price alone can.

Implement these three methods to secure repeat contract customers for your construction business.

1. Provide Quality Work

Show that your workers finish projects according to the specifications. Your past project performance, flexibility with project changes, compliance record, and site tidiness impact whether your company is hired for future work.

You can increase the quality of your workers’ projects by digitizing your paperwork, documentation, safety forms, and change orders. Making the information accessible at any time and from any location promotes quality results. Effectively sharing messages about the work increases organization and communication while reducing delays and rework.

Digitization of your project information also benefits your future projects. You can use the data to determine what did and did not work, the issues that arose, and how you resolved them. This helps your team improve their performance when working on a similar project in the future.

2. Finish Projects on Time and Within Budget

Demonstrate that you plan for circumstances that may cause delays in finishing projects. This may involve the use of technology, including artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms, to predict project outcomes.

Providing accurate, complete information about your past work helps provide a clearer estimate of the time and budget required to complete a new project. This takes into account potential hold-ups due to site complications, material delays, worker illnesses, or project changes. The more you finish quality projects within the estimated timeframe and the budget, the more likely you are to secure repeat business.

3. Prioritize Communication and Transparency

Keep your customers informed about the progress on their projects. This includes being available to answer questions and reach the established targets according to the timeline.

Because your customers likely spend a significant amount of money on the work they give you, they want honest information to maintain peace of mind. This includes being alerted if something unexpected happens and changes need to be made.

The more customers like and respect you, the more likely they will be to hire your company for future projects. This impacts your company’s reputation and bottom line.

Need Help Finding Skilled Labor?

Trade Management can match you with the skilled laborers needed to complete projects. Contact us today to get started.

How to Start a Career in Construction

start a career in construction

start a career in construction

If you’re a recent high school graduate, congratulations! Your hard work and dedication paid off.

If you are interested in starting your career, consider getting into the construction industry. The low barrier to entry, variety of job openings, and competitive pay rates make construction one of the best fields to enter.

Follow these guidelines to begin your career in construction today.

Create Your Resume

Your resume highlights your skills and experience that are relevant to the job you want. Because you don’t have formal construction experience, focus on your transferrable skills from other jobs or volunteer work that can benefit an employer. These may include reliability, communication, time management, problem-solving, and work ethic.

Use Your Network

Talk with the members of your network who have connections in the construction industry. Be sure to share your career goals so your connections know what you’re looking for. They may mention a job opening, introduce you to an employee, or refer you to a hiring manager.

Secure a Temporary Job

Work with a local staffing firm that specializes in construction to land a temporary job. This lets you work under the supervision of an experienced professional. You can gain the skills and experience required for either an apprenticeship or full-time employment. You also can decide which field of construction you want to focus on.

Consider an Apprenticeship

An apprenticeship helps provide the skills and experience needed to land a full-time construction job. It involves 2 to 4 years of classroom learning and hands-on training for your field. Because you typically get paid during your apprenticeship, you can learn while earning income.

Select a Field

Use your temporary job or apprenticeship to decide which construction field you want to pursue. Then, focus on finding a job in the specialty that interests you. This helps you gain the most relevant skills and experience for your career path. For instance, if you enjoy welding or working with metal, you may want to become a sheet metal engineer. Or, if you prefer planning, budgeting, and overseeing projects, you might want to become a project manager.

Land Your First Construction Job

Trade Management can place you with employers looking for entry-level construction workers. Register with us today.


Mental Health Safety Tips

May is Mental Health Month Awareness Month. Mental health is important for everyone. This is especially true for construction workers. The long hours, strenuous labor, potential for injuries, and seasonal layoffs are significant sources of stress.

Construction workers struggling with mental health concerns are more susceptible to on-the-job accidents than workers without these issues. As a construction worker, you need to pay attention to your mental health and take steps to improve it when needed.

Implement these tips to maintain your mental health while working in construction.

Talk with Your Manager About Job Stressors 

Think about which parts of your job cause the most stress. Find potential resolutions to these issues. Talk with your manager about your problems and potential solutions.

For instance, you may feel unsure about what your role is for a project. If so, you can ask your manager what your role is, what their expectations are, and who you should take onsite directions from.

You can use this discussion to create a basis for ongoing communication with your manager. Regular discussion of your concerns helps get your needs met. This can decrease your stress and increase your mental health.

Normalize Discussion of Mental Health Concerns 

Encourage your manager to regularly engage your team in open discussions about mental health concerns. This may involve your manager and you sharing your experiences with mental health concerns and how you handled them. Perhaps you implemented daily meditation, began eating healthier foods, or started weekly counseling sessions.

Ask your manager to host seminars with diverse guest speakers talking about mental health. They can serve as role models for your team members to relate to and potentially get help with their struggles.

Encourage your manager to hand out information on local and national resources to help with mental health. This may include the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The national helpline provides referral routing services for individuals and families with mental health concerns and substance use disorders. Construction workers who do not want to talk about their mental health concerns may feel more comfortable getting help outside the workplace.

Looking for a Construction Job? 

Trade Management can match you with the construction jobs that fit your skills and interests. Register with us today.